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It happens to lots of bands. Gear gets stolen. Well, it happened to us! BandàpArt and the Plastic Revolutions gear was stolen yesterday from the El Camino Real area, south of Delmar Heights Road in San Diego. Actually, not just our gear, they took Nick Brownlee’s truck. BandàpArt had their backpacks with passports in the car and some cash.

Please contact the San Diego Police Department with any leads!

Here’s a current list of what gear was taken including values:

Also various other things were in the car like personal belongings, including 5 cell phones, $1000 cash, and Fabi’s GoPro, and his photos. We’re hoping anything can be recovered.

@3:07 you can see our truck that was stolen.

Here are some recent pics of the gear taken…

Black Takamini and instrument cables and strap

Nick Brownlee’s lively hood was stolen — guitar, strap, amps, effects

LAG guitars are French and hand-made.

All those mics, the keyboard, guitars, amps, and snare drum

7 Responses to GEAR STOLEN!

  1. lauren scheff

    sorry to hear about this, if you have iphones you can track them via “find my mac” on iCloud

    that is gonna be your best bet, GPS… good luck, this happen to me last Dec.

    I know this is not what you need now, but you will in the future…


  2. Brian Johnson

    Guys, that sucks… High Tide sends our condolences. I got sick to my stomach reading the list of gear.

    We hope you find everything and get it returned.

    I’ll scour Craigslist, I recommend you do the same.

    Best of luck…


  3. Todd

    Same day my Fender Twin Reverb amp was stolen from my truck early Sunday morning approx 2am in Encinitas a block down from El Camino Real. Encinitas Sheriffs caught some tweakers on a traffic violation and noticed the amp. Passenger confessed and after my call they interviewed me and said they got it and the guys. I saw only my amp in evidence room but I suggest calling Encinitas Sheriffs Dept. They would love to add Grand Theft Auto to the suspects charges. What time was your stuff taken? It really hurts doesn’t it!? I truly hope you guys get your gear back.

  4. Todd

    BTW the Sheriff involved is William D. Gore (760)966-3500. I have a case number but don’t think it’s necessary. It’s a stretch but it’s at least a start. I will get the word out about this incident in hopes something surfaces. Musician’s gotta help each other out on this stuff. Feel free to email me and if you wish I’ll email my phone number. Start calling local music shops such as Moonlight Music in Encinitas. Owner is Russel I think. Pawn shops are a must but are not very dilligent. You gotta do the leg work to search. Sherrifs told me to document all serial numbers for future potential thefts as Pawn shops report those numbers and are referenced with police evidence that way.

    • Eddie

      Awesome man! We just called Encinitas Sheriff. They said we need to wait for SDPD to finish their report before they cross check anything. The French kids leave tomorrow, so looks like we’ll still need to do an emergency travel visa for them.

  5. Praying you get everything back.

  6. We passed your info to the San Diego Cajun Dance folks, asking them to keep their eyes open.
    We pray that you find everything!


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